Writer’s Block? Here’s How to Overcome it!

I’ve been suffering from writer’s block recently, so I thought this post could help many other writers going through the same. If you aren’t familiar with the term ‘writer’s block’, It is when you get a creative or motivation block which makes it hard to write. Today, I’ll be showing you ways to get over this stage and get back to writing.

1- Change up your schedule

Most times, writer’s block is caused by repeating the same routine over and over again. So try changing things up! If you write in the morning, try writing at night instead. If you write on your laptop, try brainstorming on a notebook. Make any change necessary to feel like it’s new experience instead of a constantly repeated one. If you write in your bedroom, switch up the environment and write somewhere else.

2- Do something physical

Sometimes moving around can get your creative juices to flow, so if you’ve been sitting by your laptop for a few hours, get up and go for a walk or do a short workout, it really helps!

3- Read

If you’ve been stuck in a writer’s block for many days or weeks now, try reading instead of writing. If you’re writing a romance novel, then read one for inspiration. I’ve been reading many mystery novels recently to gain back my motivation to write.

4- Journal/Stream of Consciousness

If you don’t know what stream of consciousness is, it’s basically when you journal without a prompt, you just write whatever comes to mind. Sometimes just writing what comes to your mind or writing about your day can help.

5- Listen to new music

Try switching up your music playlist, browse some new music, try listening to a different style, read lyrics from inspiration.

6- Force yourself to write

If all fails, you’re left with nothing but to force yourself. As much as forcing yourself to write won’t feel good, sometimes it’s the only way to get things done. You can always edit your draft later if you don’t like it, just write!

Hope you enjoyed this post, and I hope it helped you out! Check out my social media below for more tips on my instagram page. Thank you for reading!

Finding Inspiration to Write in Quarantine

Sadly, we aren’t in a great situation right now. With the massive spread of COVID-19, more places are closing down and lots of places are under full lockdown. However, on the bright side, we have way more time now to do other things we never had the time for. For example: Learning a Language, Practicing an old hobby, Working out or for us writers, writing. It may be harder to write because of lack of motivation and the sudden free time is overwhelming.

So how can you be inspired to write?


The best way to start writing is simply by making time for it. Set a schedule using Google Sheets, by Writing it down on a paper, or just use your phone notes. I personally find it easier to commit to something when I write it down physically and hang it somewhere I always look at (my wardrobe). Schedule out the best times you’re free to write or the most times you usually have inspiration- whether that’s at night or during the day.


During these times, it’s a bit hard to write for most; so motivate yourself. If you write on notebooks, try ordering new ones online. If that’s not possible, try to decorate it, use a new notebook, organize it, remove unnecessary pages, etc. If you use a laptop/computer to write, organize your files, delete unwanted things, finish incomplete work, etc. Getting a new start will motivate you to get back into writing. A good way to motivate yourself is to start a writer’s journal.


Another way I like to motivate myself is by listening to music while writing, if you also enjoy that, create new playlists or add new songs onto current playlists for something new to listen to and refresh your mind with new ideas. You can check out my playlist for inspiration!


If you usually write in your bedroom, try to write somewhere else, sometimes the feeling of boredom and not having inspiration to write is because of the same routine. Especially nowadays since most people are at home, staying in the same room might get boring. If it’s too noisy in other rooms, try wearing headphones and listen to music to cover up the noise.

I hope this post inspired you to get back into writing in these unfortunate times, make sure to follow my Instagram for weekly tips that could inspire you more and help you improve your writing. Thank you for reading!

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